

Unit 7 Section B 1a-1e 随堂检测

一、 单项选择

( )1. —What's five and seven?

—It's ________.

A. twelve B. twenty

C. twenty-one D. thirty-five

( )2. I like the long sweater. I'll take ________.

A. them B. it C. those D. they

( )3. —________ are the schoolbags?

—They're black.

A. How much B. What color

C. Where D. What

( )4. —________?

—Yes, please. I want a basketball.

A. What can you see

B. Excuse me

C. Can you help me

D. Can I help you

( )原由网5. —Thank you. —________.

A. Don't thank me

B. You're good

C. You're welcome

D. Sure

二、 用括号里所给词的适当形式填空

1. There are three ________(woman) in the room.

2. I need a pair of brown ________(shoe) for school.

3. The blue sweater is seventeen ________(dollar).

4. —How much ________(be) the white T-shirt?


5. These short ________(skirt) are nice. I'll take them.

6. I want ________(take) a shirt for a party.

7. —How much are ________(them)?

—They're $30.

8. Jim has three ________(pair) of socks.

9. My sister ________(need) a nice skirt for her friend's birthday dinner.

10. The black shorts ________(be) $15.

三、 用方框中


1. Do you ________ shoes for sports?

2. The pants look nice. Helen wants to ________ them.

3. Two pairs of socks ________ on the bed.

4. These ________ are Cindy's aunts.

5. It is nine ________ for this book.

四、 根据要求改写句子

1. She needs a blue skirt. (改为一般疑问句)

________ she ________ a blue skirt?

2. The T-shirt is $50. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________ is the T-shiwww.58yuanyou.comrt?

3. Can I help you? (改为同义句)[来源:Z&xx&k.Com]

________ can I do ________ you?

4. This is Lisa's T-shirt. (改为复数句)

________ ________ Lisa's ________.

5. I want a yellow sweater. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________ sweater do you want?

五、 语法填空


Welcome to Mr. Miller's Clothes Store. It's not big but it 1. ________(have) many clothes. Do you 2. ________(need) shorts? They have 3. _______//www.58yuanyou.com_(short) for only $29! For girls, they have 4. ________(skirt) in red, green and white for only $39! 5. ________ boys, they have T-shirts at a very good price—only 19 6. ________(dollar). The sports socks 7. ________(be) $2 a pair. 8. ________(them) are very cheap (便宜的). They have shorts, hats, bags 9. ________ shoes, too. What 10. ________ you want? Come and see now.

六、 阅读理解

Hi! I'm Lucy. I am a student in Class 5, Grade 1. I have a big schoolbag. It is blue and red. The price is¥88. I have a nice pencil box in it. It is ¥10. Its color is white. I bought(买) it in a store. There are four pencils and one pen. Each pencil is ¥1 and the pen is¥12. My eraser is yellow. The price is ¥2. My ruler is orange and very long. I like them very much. I study very hard.

( )1. Lucy is in Grade ________.

A. One B. Two C. Three D. Five

( )2. Lucy's schoolbag is ________.

A. big B. small

C. lost D. black

( )3. What color is Lucy's pencil box?It's ________.

A. red B. blue

C. white D. blue and red

( )4. How much are Lucy's pencils?

A. ¥3. B. ¥2. C. ¥10. D. ¥

( )5. The color of Lucy's eraser is ________.

A. orange B. yellow

C. black D. blue


一、 1-5 ABBDC

二、 1. women 2. shoes 3. dollars

4. is 5. skirts 6. to take

7. they 8. pairs 9. needs 10. are

三、 1. need 2. take 3. are 4. women 5. dollars

四、 1. Does; need 2. How much

3. What; for 4. These are; T-shirts

5. What color

五、 1. has 2. need 3. shorts

4. skirts 5. For 6. dollars

7. are 8. They 9. and 10. do

六、 1. A 细节理解题。根据I am a student in Class 5, Grade 1. 可知,Lucy在一年级五班,故选A。

2. A 细节理解题。根据I have a big schoolbag.可知,Lucy有一个大的书包,故选A。

3. C 细节理解题。根据Its color is white.可知,书包的颜色是白色的,故选C。

4. D 推理判断题。根据There are four pencils and one pen. Each pencil is ¥1 可知,每支铅笔1元,Lucy共有4支,故选D。

5. B 细节理解题。根据My eraser is yellow.可知,橡皮是黄色的,故选B。

Unit 7 Section B 2a-2c 随堂检测

一、 翻译下列短语

1. 以非常优惠的价格 ____________

2. 一双 ____________

3. 服装店____________

4. 大甩卖 ____________

5. skirts in purple ____________

6. black shoes for only $28 ___________

二、 根据汉语,首字母或者音标提示完成句子

1. They s________ the sweater for only $40.

2. —Can I help you?

—I want to b________ a skirt for my daughter.

3. There are two fruit ________(商店) in the street.

4. We have T-shirts in ________(全部的) colors.

5. You can get books at our great ________(出售).

6. What is the ________ /praIs/ of the brown T-shirt?

7. —How much are the ________ /dkIts/?

—Only $25.

三、 补全对话


A: Good afternoon!

B: Good afternoon!

A: What can I do for you?

B: I want 1. ________ a sweater for my son.

A: Look! Do you like this new one?

B: Yes. It's nice.

A: What color 2. ________ your son like?

B: Er, green. Do you have a green one?

A: No, we don't. How about this 3. ________ one?

B: It's OK. How much is it?

A: 45 4. ________.

B: OK, I'll take it. Thank you.

A: You are 5. ________.

四、 完形填空

My name is Cindy. I'm a clerk(员工) in a store. My store is near a __1__. Every day the students come to __2__ things.

In the __3__ I get up at six. And then I have breakfast. I get to the __4__ at six fifty. The shop opens at seven. We __5__ things like food and drinks. We have school things, __6__. So there __7__ often many people in our shop __8__ morning to evening.

I have __9__ in the store. At seven in the evening the store is closed(关闭的). We go home __10__ dinner.

( )1. A. room B. picture

C. school D. schoolbag

( )2. A. buy B. sell C. play D. want

( )3. A. evening B. afternoon

C. day D. morning

( )4. A. classroom B. school

C. store D. class

( )5. A. watch B. sell C. buy D. play

( )6. A. too B. so C. and D. but

( )7. A. are B. have C. see D. come

( )8. A. in B. on C. at D. from

( )9. A. fruit B. breakfast

C. food D. lunch

( )10. A. to B. at C. with D. for

五、 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词

This 1. ________(早晨), John and his father, Mr. Green are in a 2. ________(大的) store. Mr. Green 3. ________(想) to buy a T-shirt 4. ________(为了) John. John 5. ________(喜欢) oranges, so his father 6. ________(买) some oranges for 7. ________(他). John wants to buy a T-shirt, 8. ________(也). His father likes green, 9. ________(但是) John doesn't like green. He likes black. 10. ________(他们) take a black T-shirt.

六、 任务型阅读

It's Sunday morning. It's a little cold. Sandy gets up at 7:00. She puts on her white sweater and blue trousers. She likes these two colors. She wants to go shopping with her mother because(因为) she needs to buy some notebooks. At 9:00, they are in a supermarket. There are a lot of people in the supermarket. The clerks(售货员) there are very friendly(友好的).


1. When does Sandy get up?


2. What color does Sandy like?


3. Who does Sandy go shopping with?


4. What does Sandy need to buy?


5. Are the clerks friendly?



一、 1. at very good prices

2. a pair of

3. clothes store

4. on sale

5. 紫色的裙子

6. 仅售28美元的黑色鞋子

二、 1. sell 2. buy 3. stores 4. all

5. sale 6. price 7. jackets

三、 1. to buy 2. does 3. blue

4. dollars 5. welcome

四、 1. C 根据下文the students come to可知,商店靠近一所学校,故选C。

2. A 每天学生来买东西。表示“购买”,用buy,故选A。

3. D 根据下文And then I have breakfast.可知,“我”早晨六点钟起床,然后吃早饭,故选D。

4. C 根据下文The shop opens at seven.可知,“我”6:50到达商店,商店7:00开门,故选C。

5. B 我们出售像食物和饮料这样的东西,故选B。

6. A 根据上文的描述可知,我们也卖学习用品,故选A。

7. A many people作主语时,谓语动词使用复数形式are,故选A。

8. D 表示“从早晨到晚上”,用from morning to evening,故选D。

9. D 根据上下文的描述可知,“我”在商店里吃午饭,故选D。

10. D “我”回家吃晚餐。表示“为了”,用介词for,故选D。

五、 1. morning 2. big 3. wants

4. for 5. likes 6. buys

7. him 8. too 9. but 10. They

六、 1. At 7:00.

2. White and blue.

3. Her mother.

4. Some notebooks.

5. Yes, they are.

Unit 7 Section B 3a-Self Check 随堂练习

一、 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空(每词限用一次,每空限填一词)

1. Come and buy your books at our great ________!

2. I need two pairs of white ________.

3. Welcome to our clothes ________ now.

4. For ________, we have T-shirts for only $15.

5. I want to ________ a blue skirt for the dinner party.

二、 句子翻译

1. 这件T恤衫九美元。[来源:学科网]


2. 这条红色的裙子是玛丽的。


3. 一双鞋子在盒子里。


4. 她需要两双短袜。


5. 我们有各种颜色的毛衣。


三、 语法填空


Hello, friends! Do you want clothes? Please come 1. ________ Sunshine Clothes Store. We have sweaters in all 2. ________(color) for only $20. We have trousers 3. ________ green, white and black. The black trousers are $15. The white trousers are $20. How 4. ________ are the green ones? They are only $12. Do you 5. ________(need) sports shoes? We have sports shoes 6. ________ a very good price—only $20. The 7. ________(short) are $20, too. The socks 8. ________(be) good, and they are on 9. ________(sell) for $1! Come and have a look at the clothes in the store now! I think you will like 10. ________(they).

四、 完形填空

My name is Amy. I have many clothes, and many of __1__ are yellow. Yellow is my favorite __2____. But my sister Mary doesn't __3__ yellow. Her favorite color is __4__. Today Mary goes to Mr. Cool's Clothes Store with Mom. Mom __5__ a T-shirt and a skirt for Mary. Mary likes the __6__ and the skirt very much, because they are white. I have a(n) __7__, too. His name is Mike. Mike's favorite color for __8__ is black. He has black jackets, sweaters, trousers and shorts. He __9__ a black hat, too. The __10__ is from Grandma. He likes it very much.

( )1. A. us B. you C. them D. they

( )2. A. name B. color C. sport D. number

( )3. A. like B. see C. spell D. know

( )4. A. yellow B. white C. black D. blue

( )5. A. loves B. sells C. needs D. buys

( )6. A. shoes B. trousers C. T-shirt D. shorts

( )7. A. brother B. sister C. aunt D. daughter

( )8. A. beds B. sofas C. clothes D. cards

( )9. A. wants B. has C. takes D. watches

( )10. A. jacket B. sweater C. bag D. hat

五、 阅读理解

One Sunday morning, Mr. Green and his child, Bill, are in a big shop. Mr. Green wants to buy a new sweater for Mrs. Green. Bill likes apples, so his father buys two kilos(千克) of apples for him, too. Bill wants to buy some pPhgEgApicture books and color pencils, too. There are many people in the shop. They are men and women, old and young. They all want to buy something there.

( )1. Who does Bill go shopping with?

A. Mrs. Green. B. Mr. Green.

C. Mrs. Bill. D. Mr. Bill.

( )2. Mr. Green wants to buy a new sweater for ________.

A. Mrs. Green B. Mr. Green

C. Bill D. Green

( )3. Bill likes ________.

A. storybooks B. color pens

C. apples D. blouses

( )4. Bill wants to buy ________.

A. picture books and apples

B. picture books and color pencils

C. apples and color pencils

D. blouses and apples

( )5. The shop is ________.

A. small B. new C. old D. big


一、 1. sale 2. socks 3. store 4. boys 5. buy

二、 1. The T-shirt is nine dollars.

2. This red skirt is Mary's.

3. A pair of shoes is in the box.

4. She needs two pairs of socks.

5. We have sweaters in all colors.

三、 1. to 2. colors 3. in 4. much

5. need 6. at 7. shorts

8. are 9. sale 10. them

四、 1. C 用them替代前面的clothes,故选C。

2. B 根据句中的yellow可知,黄色是“我”最喜欢的颜色,故选B。

3. A 根据but可知,“我”的妹妹玛丽不喜欢黄色,故选A。

4. B 根据下文because they are white可知,她最喜欢的颜色是白色,故选B。

5. D 句意:妈妈为玛丽买了一件T恤衫和一条裙子。buy sth. for sb.意为“为某人买某物”,是固定用法,故选D。

6. C 根据上文a T-shirt and a skirt可知,玛丽非常喜欢这件T恤衫和这条裙子,故选C。

7. A 根据下句His name is Mike.,结合选项可知,“我”还有一个弟弟,故选A。

8. C 根据下句He has black jackets, sweaters, trousers and shorts.可知,迈克最喜欢的衣服颜色是黑色,故选C。

9. B 句意:他也有一顶黑色的帽子。have意为“有”,符合文意,故选B。

10. D 根据上文a black hat可知,这顶帽子来自奶奶,故选D。

五、 1. B 细节理解题。根据Mr. Green and his child, Bill, are in a big shop.可知,Bill和Mr. Green在一起购物,故选B。

2. A 细节理解题。根据Mr. Green wants to buy a new sweater for Mrs. Green.可知,格林先生想给格林夫人买毛衣,故选A。

3. C 细节理解题。根据Bill likes apples可知,比尔喜欢苹果,故选C。

4. B 细节理解题。根据Bill wants to buy some picture books and color pencils, too.可知,Bill想买图画书和彩笔,故选B。

5//www.58yuanyou.com. D 细节理解题。根据Mr. Green and his child, Bill, are in a big shop.可知,商店是大的,故选D。


文章标题: 一件蓝色的t恤衫的英语怎么说

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/jiqiao/356766.html
