

2017新年到,过年的时候,除夕夜除了年夜饭之外,还有一道大餐也不能错过,那就是"春晚",“春晚”英语怎么说?Spring Festival Gala. Gala就是指很多人聚在一起唱歌跳舞表演的大型文艺晚会,比如:We shall have to dress up in evening clothes to go to the gala performance. 我们得穿上夜礼服去观看节日演出。



Performers were crossing their fingers going into the penultimate dress rehearsal of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala on Tuesday. With the festival eve looming, nerves are starting to strain.

As the most prestigious showcase for China's top performers, the Spring Festival Gala hwww.58yuanyou.comas no shortage of established acts queueing up to appear. But the gala always reserves some spots for the unknowns and the up-and-coming to make their national breakthroughs.

由报道可知,“春晚”相应的英文表达是“Spring Festival Gala”。“Gala”在此指“欢快的庆祝活动”,有时也可做形容词“庆祝的,奢侈的”,如:a gala ball(庆祝舞会);the gala life of the very rich(大富翁们奢侈的生活)。

春节联欢晚会Spring Festival Gala /Chinese New Year Gala

其中,gala是"综艺演出"的意思。把春晚说成是一个party是不准确的,gala是很好的翻译。和春节相关的东西,可以用Spring Festival作定语,也可以用New Year(大写)作定语,但有些外国人不知道什么是Spring Festival,这个要注意一下。说到春晚,一般都是指央视春晚,有些地方翻译成the CCTV Spring Festival Gala,个人认为这样不太好,因为CCTV在英语中代表closed-circuit television,也即闭路电视。也就是说,CCTV在英语为母语的人看来,第一反应很可能是闭路电视,这样容易产生误解。此外,用CCTV的全称China Central Television也不太好,因为外国人很可能也不太知道China Central Television到底是什么,而翻译为Chinese state television's Spring Festival Gala就比较好,因为在这里state指"国家的",足以体现出中央电视台在中国的地位。


【例】CCTVABBREVIATION FOR closed-circuit television: a system which sends televisiwww.58yuanyou.comon signals to a limited number of screens, and is often usejYfHcd in shops as protection against thieves:


【例】Celia Hatton went backstage in Beijing to watch the preparations forChinese state television's Spring Festival Gala.

例句:Ever since its debut over two decades ago, the Spring Festival Gala has developed into an occasion that most Chinese find it hard to ignore.


春节 The Spring Festival

农历 lun原由网ar calendar

正月 lunar January

除夕 New Y//www.58yuanyou.comear's Eve; eve of lunar New Year

元宵节 The Lantern Festival

守岁 staying-up


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文章标题: 晚会英文怎么写

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/jiqiao/270963.html
